Schmidt - Lagerholm


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1842, Iver Erlandsen konfirmert (Nr. 15) (pdf)
1842, Iver Erlandsen konfirmert (Nr. 15) (pdf)
1885, Iver Erlandsen sel Gålåstranda (pdf)
1885, Iver Erlandsen sel Gålåstranda (pdf)
Protokollnummer: 3.25, Sted: Sør-Gudbrandsdal sorenskriveri, Sør-Fron tinglag, Oppbevaringssted: SAH
Merknader: Gnr. 124/1-191/1, oppslag 1-140. Tillegg, oppslag 141-295. Aut. 31.10.1889.
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1885, Iver Erlandsen sel Gålåstranda, skøyte (pdf)
1885, Iver Erlandsen sel Gålåstranda, skøyte (pdf)
Jeg undertegnede Iver Erlandsen Skurdalsbrænden erkjender herved og vitterliggjør at have solgt, ligesom jeg herved til Morten Olsen Skurdalseiet sælger, skjøder og overdrager min ved gaalaavandet i søndre Frons thinglag beliggende sæter Gaalaastranden ln 94a, af skyld 7 skilling, revideret 12 skilling for den mellem os omformede købesum 940 kr.

Da kjøberen har gjort mig rede og riktighed for den stipulerede kjøbesum efter overenskomst, skal den omhandlede eiendom Gaalaastranden af no, skyld og beliggenhed som anført, med paastaaende huse og gjærder samt den paa eiendommen nu forefindenndes gjødsel, mur og nagelfaste inredninger samt til- og underliggende herligheder og rettigheder af ethvert slags – Alt saaledes, som jeg selv i over 20 aar har eiet og brukt sæteren – herefter følge og tilhøre kjøberen Morten Olsen Skurdalseiet hustru og arvinger som en sand og retmessig eiendom, upaaanket og upaatalt af mig og arvinger, og bliver jeg for salget kjøberens hjemmelsmand efter loven.

Dette til bekræftelse under min haand i hostegnede vitterlighedsvidners overvær.

Søndre Fron den 17 mai 1885.
Iver Erlandsen Skurdalsbrænden m.f.p. til vitterlighed Joh. Solbraa Johs Grieg.

Protokollnummer: 8, Sted: Mellom-Gudbrandsdal sorenskriveri, Oppbevaringssted: SAH
Merknader: Aut. 03.09.1883.
Permanent bildelenke:
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1885, Iver og Ingeborg emigrerar til Amerika. (pdf)
1885, Iver og Ingeborg emigrerar til Amerika. (pdf)
Med er på reisa er sonen Ingebret, dottera Petra, Hans Engebretsen mannen til Petra og dei to barna deira Julla og Ingebret
Andreas Haugland 86 år:   Har samla 1 500 ordtøkje og 10 000 ord
Andreas Haugland 86 år: Har samla 1 500 ordtøkje og 10 000 ord
Intervju i bladet Sunnhordland avis, tisdag 21. september 1976.
Anton og Marit Tagestad folketelling 1891 (pdf)
Anton og Marit Tagestad folketelling 1891 (pdf)
Oppland fylke, Sør-Fron herred, Statlig folketelling (RA/S-2231/E/Ea), 1891-1891, oppb: Riksarkivet.

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CARD OF THANKS, 1908 (pdf)
CARD OF THANKS, 1908 (pdf)
We wish to express our heartiest thanks to all our sympathizing friends and neighbors especially the efficient nurses, and doctors of the Warren hospital, who so kindly assisted us during the illness, death, and funeral of our beloved son and brother, Oscar Ingvald.
Mr. and Mrs. John Iverson Skurdahl and family.

Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Langager. of Hope. N. D.. were visitors at the John Iverson Skurdahl home the past week. The latter is a sister of Mrs. Skurdahl. and came over here to be with her sister in her hour of sadness.

Warren sheaf. (Warren, Marshall County, Minn.), 05 Nov. 1908. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.
Correspondence  BOXVILLE, 1909  (pdf)
Correspondence BOXVILLE, 1909 (pdf)
John I. Skurdahl returner! home from the Warren hospital last. Thursday.
Mr. Skurdahl, though not entirely well, is looking quite improved.

Warren sheaf. (Warren, Marshall County, Minn.), 11 March 1909. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.
Died at the Warren Hospital, 1908 (pdf)
Died at the Warren Hospital, 1908 (pdf)
Tuesday, Oct 27. at nine o'clock at the Warren hospital occurred the death of Oscar Ingvald. age 17 years and 7 mouths, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Iverson Skurdahl. of the town of Boxville. after an illness of three weeks.

The cause of death was typhoid fever, which he contracted while emploved on the Woodward farm.
The funeral services conducted by Rev. Nolstad. were held over the remains. Thursday. Oct. 29. at his home at 1 o'clock D. m.. after which they were taken to the United Lutheran church of this citv where, at 2:30 D. m. the last sad rites were preached.

His remains were laid to rest in Greenwood cemetery of this city.
George Cheney. Cornelius Engelstad. Gilbert Engelstad, Ben Habidaug, Joe Piker and Rob Moer were the pall bearers.

The deceased leaves his father and mother, also five sisters and five brothers to mourn his loss.

Warren sheaf. (Warren, Marshall County, Minn.), 05 Nov. 1908. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.
Folketelling 1891 Abel Askelsen Haugland m familie (pdf)
Folketelling 1891 Abel Askelsen Haugland m familie (pdf)
Andreas Haugland skuleelev på Rommetveit 1910, busett hos Mikkjell Rasmusen med familie.
Haktor Olsen og Ales Larsdtr med familie, Skorpo 1865 (pdf)
Haktor Olsen og Ales Larsdtr med familie, Skorpo 1865 (pdf)
Hilda og Andreas sitt gullbryllaup 26 desember 1968 (tekst/pdf)
Hilda og Andreas sitt gullbryllaup 26 desember 1968 (tekst/pdf)
Da var fordi at Andreas var så intressert i song att vi vi set her i kveld, kan Ivar Haugland fortelja om korleis Andreas og Hilda traff kvarandre.

- For meg har ho vore gullet - ikkje berre gull, men gullet, fortel Andreas om Hilda i talen sin.

Dessuten høyrer vi Inger, dotter till Hilda og Andreas. Til kvardags vart ho kalla Lillemor. Og søsterdottera til Hilda, Gudrun, seier nokre ord og gjer tanto si ein klem. Barnebarnet Hilde Kristin, 2 år, vil og ha eit ord med i laget.
Johanna Moe dead in explosion 1911  Warren Sheaf October 26, 1911 (pdf)
Johanna Moe dead in explosion 1911 Warren Sheaf October 26, 1911 (pdf)

A very sad accident happened on the farm of John Iverson Skurdahl, a few miles west of town, early on Friday morning of last week. As a result of this accident a happy home in our midst has been plunged into the deepest grief by the death of the loving wife and mother. Even the house itself in which the family lived was consumed by hungry flames of fire.

The accident happened in this manner:
Mrs. Skurdahl had arisen early that morning and started to build a fire in the kitchen stove, using kerosene which she poured on the wood from a 5-gallon can that had recently been filled. Evidently there must have been some live coals or fire in the stove at the time when she did this, as an explosion followed immediately scattering the oil all over the unfortunate woman who in an instant was enveloped in a flame of fire.

She ran out of the house crying at the top of her voice and the other members of the family and Mr. Nels Messelt, who has been helping them with the farm work this fall, hurried from their beds as quickly as possible, but when they arrived on the scene every stitch of clothing had been burned off from the poor woman's body. She remained conscious in spite of her suffering from the severe burns, and after covering herself with a quilt brought from the burning house, she walked unassisted to a neighbor's house about a quarter of a mile away, while the others busied themselves in getting out the smaller children from the rapidly burning building.

The piano and a few pieces of furniture from the front room were all that could be saved from the welli furnished house.

Mrs. Skurdahl was brought to the i Warren hospital as quickly as possible and given the very best treatment and care that her case demanded, yet her burns were so severe and extended all over her body except underneath her feet, that there was little hope for her recovery. At 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon of the ill-fated day she breathed her last.

Deceased, whose maiden name was Johanna Moe, was born April 23, 1868, in Norway

She was married to husband, who survives her, about 25 years ago. They came to this count y about 13 years ago having previously lived at Portland, N. D. Husband and eleven children mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate wife and mother, the names of the children being: Julia Inga, Maybelle, Edwin, Carl, Melvin, John, Norman, Josephine, Myrtle and Obert. One son, Oscar, preceded her to the better land about two years ago.

The funeral was held from the United Norwegian Lutheran church on Monday afternoon at two o'clock and was largely attended by citizens and friends who sympathized with the greatly bereaved family. A touching and impressive funeral sermon was preached by Rev. N. G. W. Knudtsen. Deceased had in life been an active member of said church and had taken great interest in the Ladies' Aid society and in all good and noble work.

But her loss will be most severely felt in the home where she was the ministering angel and where she was honored and loved as a mother should be. Beautiful floral tributes also attested the love borne for her by neighbors and friends. The pall bearers were: Nels Messelt, Dudley Cheney, John Cheney, J. S. Hilleboe, C. R. Engelstad and Peter Kurz.

A sister of deceased, Mrs. Langager, and her husband, of Hope, N. D., were present at the funeral.

With tear filled eyes a long funeral procession escorted the remains to Greenwood cemetery there to rest until the morn of the resurrection.

But, oh! beyond this shadowland
Where all is bright and fair
I know full well these dear old hands
Will palms of victory bear;
Where crystal streams thru endless years
Flow over golden sands
And where the old grow young again
I'll clasp my mother's hands
Levnadsbeskrivning August Schmidt
Levnadsbeskrivning August Schmidt
August Schmidt anställdes 1858 av J.C. Kempe som förvaltare av Mo bruk. Årslön 2000 Rd. Han gifte sig 11 september 1860 med Augusta Wilhelmina Cornell och sonen ”Janne” föddes men bara drygt två månader senare kom olyckan.
Ole Iversen Skurdalsbrænden utflytta til Stange 18 juni 1879 (pdf)
Ole Iversen Skurdalsbrænden utflytta til Stange 18 juni 1879 (pdf)
Oppland fylke, Sør-Fron, Ministerialbok nr. 2 (1864-1880), Utflyttede 1879, side 488
Picnic at the Skurdahls 1903 (pdf)
Picnic at the Skurdahls 1903 (pdf)
—The Norwegian school picnic at the farm of John Iverson Skurdahl,
I in Boxville, last Sunday was enjoyed by a large number of people, the weather also being pleasant.
An excellent program was rendered,of which Mrs. T. Bang had charge.

Warren sheaf. (Warren, Marshall County, Minn.), 27 Aug. 1903. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.
Intervju i Gula Tidend, Bergen Laurdag 14. november 1973
Wilhelmina Lagerholm 1902 42 (pdf)
Wilhelmina Lagerholm 1902 42 (pdf)
Wisconsin, County Marriages, 1836-1911, Karen Iverson and Fredrik P. Ragnhulet, 03 Sep 1888
Wisconsin, County Marriages, 1836-1911, Karen Iverson and Fredrik P. Ragnhulet, 03 Sep 1888
"Wisconsin, County Marriages, 1836-1911," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 March 2016), Iver Erlandson in entry for Fredrik P. Ragnhulet and Karen Iverson, 03 Sep 1888; citing Hamburg, Vernon, Wisconsin, United States, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison; FHL microfilm 1,275,580.